Good Morning from Missouri, I received my first box. Super blessed that I can make a difference with thousands of other doing the same by finding a new way to connect with God. I just want to say Thank You Faithbox and all who contributed to putting these monthly boxes together. This months theme hits close to home. After losing my sister in October I have been feeling a lot lonelier, but never without my Faith. She was best friend. I know she is with God watching over all of her family and friends, but it is the out of touch feeling of not being with her again until it is my time that weighs on my heart. So thank you for coming into my life last month and thank you for the right path this month box is setting me on. Even though she may not be with me I can find her through God and feel whole again. God Bless All

Posted by myrakagrgurich at 2020-05-06 13:36:54 UTC