Hi everyone, I’m Valerie head of Product and fulfillment Operations here at Faithbox. I wanted to reach out today and let you all know how the Faithbox team is managing during this current crisis. During this Covid-19 quarantine, I’m sure you’ve been receiving numerous messages from retailers updating you on their health and safety practices, temporary shutdowns, and to expect delayed shipments due to customers who need essential products the most. We know that receiving a Faithbox is not an everyday essential and from all of us here, we just want to say Thank You for continuing your membership with Faithbox, Because of you we are able to keep our full-time staff employed plus dozens of warehouse workers in our Nebraska and Ohio locations. Faith box has been lucky that many of us are able to work from home but unfortunately our warehouse operations must continue daily to receive incoming supplies and shipments PLUS fulfill our online orders for Faithbox, Hello Bible and our amazon store. Both warehouses continue to follow safe practices and social distancing. However, some of our suppliers have not been so lucky. So items like your book of the month and handmade products that come from across the world, these suppliers have currently shut down. Sadly, one of our partners in the May box which is here in the US, has been negatively impacted and we had to do some last minute magic to get this box ready for this upcoming production. Don’t worry production for your May box is in full swing TODAY and we hope to have shipments out of the warehouse by Friday and for new subscribers coming in daily, next week. USPS has also changed their deliveries and not guaranteeing delivery dates because they have been overwhelmed with shipments! Which brings us to the June box. Normally, we don’t let anyone know the theme of the month in advance. But we’re letting you in on this secret because it will change the way you have always received your Faithbox. Are you ready, the theme is FUN! Because all of our shipments, except our printed materials, have been suspended due to the Covid-19 Quarantine, we are having to be creative with this box. Since many of the partners we planned to work with for June’s box were either forced to shut down, or faced problems in their supply chains, we’ve decided to use products we’ve purchased in the past from various do-good companies like Matr Boomie, Acacia Creations, Kingdom Growers, Reload Love, etc.. We know how much you love unboxing your Faithbox each month and discovering what’s inside, so that’s why we’re packing each box with up to 4 unique and fun products, plus a book from Max Lucado on happiness. But here’s where June’s month gets really fun! We know these times are hard on all people, so we reached out to one of our partners, Matr Boomie, and asked what we could do to help... If you don’t know, Matr Boomie works with hundreds of artisans across India, most of whom are women in remote villages, to provide dignified and empowering work so the artisans can support themselves and their families. Sadly, due to COVID-19, Matr Boomie’s work operations have had to shut down. No work means no income, and no income means no basic necessities like food and drink. But - this is where Faithbox, and your monthly subscription were able to jump in! We found that we could partner with Matr Boomie and their on-the-ground network in India to help provide meals for those in need. So we’re taking funds that we would’ve used to purchase new products and are applying them to provide meals for up to 5,000 people per week! That means by the end of May and June, the Faithbox community will have fed between 20,000-25,000 people each month! That’s so incredible and truly amazing to think about! Like I said at the start of the video - we can’t thank you enough for being a part of the Faithbox community and maintaining your subscription during this time. Please know that by doing so, you’re not just helping people here maintain their jobs, but you’re literally providing basic necessities for thousands of people across the world! Thanks for watching!

Posted by Valerie at 2020-04-28 13:46:42 UTC