God has renewed my health and my career path along with finances. i was diagnosed with Lupus SLE 8 years ago. The last two years Doctors have said they don't understands my test results being negative. I know I asked God to heal me and restore my body to the way it suppose to properly function. Also I was working at a daycare last year. I had went to school for Medical Billing and Coding but had the hardest time getting in my field. I had a workman compensation issue at the daycare Job and God told me i can start looking for another job. So i got on indeed and ask him to tell me where to apply funny part he had me to apply at a workman compensation company. I applied for receptions position and told them about my degree and that i would be happy to work my way up. God moved on the hire lady heart and they gave me an entry level position and made room for me. Every 3 months after that I was promoted. As i think back to my prophet word I remember God saying I am pushing you to the front. Next month will be 1 year at this company and I am currently a mente in training to be a team lead or Supervisor one day. I really hope this encourages you that God can truly restore and renew areas that looked like they lacked or broken. Now i am holding on my testimony so God can renew and restore me with a Godly husband. Have a blessed day and I hope you got encouragement from my testimony.

Posted by Shalisaosby1 at 2020-04-25 11:34:47 UTC