First time posting. Received my first box this month and it was fear. It was not a coincidence as this is one of my biggest struggles. It was also not a coincidence that I was informed I would be receiving my box later than expected, but yet it came one day after being informed that it was going to be more than a week late. I literally received the box one hour before I received some discouraging news. I am waiting for a second kidney transplant and I received a phone call explaining that I would be a hard match. God knew I needed that box that day. It has been an extreme support for me. It was also not a coincidence that I received the candle that says “Pray, Trust, Wait”. I told my best friend I hear God loud and clear just through this first box haha. I am so glad that God lead me to Faith-Box.

Posted by misvin75 at 2020-03-27 03:44:32 UTC